
Criteo: Indonesia is the Highest Contributor of M-Commerce Trend in Southeast Asia

1 min read
July 28, 2015

Marketing performer technology Criteo has just published a report entitled State of Mobile Commerce for the second quarter of 2015. According to the report, mobile commerce (m-commerce) contributed as big as 27% out of total e-commerce transaction in surveyed Asian countries, with Indonesia having the biggest percentage of m-commerce (34%). Taiwan came second with 31% and Singapore completed the top three with 29%.

“The use of phone (smartphone) by consumers keep growing as the biggest trend both in e-commerce and advertising nowadays, and the growing rate is magnificent,” said Criteo’s Chief Product Officer Jonathan Wolf.

“Marketer’s ability in utilizing new technologies to identify and reach the consumers wherever they are is fundamental since the trend keeps leading us to a world where most of the transaction will be in multiple devices at the same time,” he continued.

By having 27% of transaction being done through smartphone, Southeast Asia is now equal to countries like Spain, Italy, and the U.S as countries with high preference of transaction through smartphone.

Criteo’s Managing Director for Southeast Asia Yuko Saito admitted that Southeast Asia currently has the best e-commerce growth in the world and that smartphone is the main accelerator especially in countries like Indonesia and India.

“These developing counries are ‘mobile-first’ – in which most of users will prefer smartphone to computer devices, with high growth potential considering that the distribution of smartphone keeps growing,” Saito stated.

The report supports the fact stating that the trend of online shopping is currently on the spotlight in Indonesia. Previously, MasterCard conducted similar survey and found out that 50 percent of Indonesian respondents shop thorugh their smartphone. Its second report also agreed to place fashion and accessories as the most wanted items while shopping through smartphone.

“For developed markets like Singapore and Taiwan, the rate of inter-device use is even higher. However, in principal the phone optimization in both developing and developed markets is equally important for e-commerce businesses that aim to enter the keep growing smartphone users population in the region (Southeast Asia),” Saito ended.

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