
Content filtering service Tandif Enters Beta

1 min read
February 1, 2012

Content filtering service Tandif has now officially entered beta stage. The startup offers a way for website owners to filter text-based user generated content such as forum posts, sms, and emails and is now available for public.

Currently Tandif is available for free and is only for WordPress although versions for Joomla and Drupal will be available at a later date.

As explained in previously in DailySocial, Tandif (Tandif Moderation Ultimate Service) is a service to perform filtering/moderation automatically to websites, blogs, forums, chat, email, online games and sms/mms. Essentially what Tandif does is text-based digital content moderation.

Tandif provides APIs and plugins that can be used by the user. Currently with the free account, it has the following features: 180 API calls per month, 15 day trial, one domain or application implementation, support for multiple languages, custom words, and custom domain.

While currently Tandif supports only English and Indonesian, as stated on its website, it will introduce support for other languages eventually.

You can go to this link if you would like to give it a try and follow this link to read more about Tandif.

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