
Collaborates with Australian Police, Indonesian Police Operates Cyber Crime Investigation Office

1 min read
April 30, 2013

Cyber crime has been a hot topic nowadays, from hacked system of government and big companies to verified Twitter account, it may cause panic and downfall of stock market. Something that has never been imagined before the Internet era. It’s not surprising for police forces to enhance its investigation tools to help revealing the mastermind behind these kind of attacks. Indonesian police, with the help of neighboring Australian Federal Police (AFP), officially operates Cyber Crime Investigations Satellite Office (CCISO) with sophisticated infrastructures (and newly trained personnel) to help combating  any online infringement.

As cited from Kompas [in Indonesian], Tony Negus from AFP said Australia help providing all infrastructures and training with A$ 9 million (US$ 9.3 million) budget. Currently the CCISO only available at police headquarter and regional offices in Jakarta, North Sumatra, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara. In the future, hopefully it will be available in all provincial-level police offices. AFP has been in close partnership with Indonesian police after the Bali bombing tragedy in 2002.

According to Deputy Director of Special Crime Jakarta regional office Hery Santoso, his office is working with 800 cyber crime cases every year. Before the partnership with AFP, Indonesian police only able to overcome very small percentage of it. Now it can solve around 40% and hopefully after proper installment of new infrastructures and personnel training, they can raise the number to 60%.

Indonesia has not been officiating the new law on cyber crime, known as “TPT bill”. Here’s the final version of TPT bill proposal [in Indonesian].

[picture: Flickr/trick77]

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