
Centeng, Sosial Media for Seeking Assistance

1 min read
July 11, 2012

When you’re in need of help while your friends cannot help you, you may want to utilize Centeng. Centeng, at Centeng.me is a social media that allows people to help and ask for help to other people. Centeng, which currently still in the phase of beta testing, is slightly similar to Yahoo!Answer but has more advantages where user can collect points by helping other user.

New user on Centeng will get 50 points as initial capital to interact inside Centeng. These points can be used to seek help (posting jobs) to other user by giving a reward on the amount of 20 points at the least. Common user can add their points by doing a job from other user.

But only official Centeng user can do a job from other user. Common user can be official centeng by inviting friends or other user to vote them to 50 votes. User can directly be an official centeng after being agreed by the admin or applying to be centeng. To raise the spirit of its user, during this beta testing, Centeng holds a competition with an iPad as the prize. iPad will be given to the best centeng (centeng with highest point) during the beta testing.

Job posted on Centeng may be a question or physical activity. As explains on its Facebook Page, there are two job categories namely brain and muscle. Brain category is the part that’s similar to Yahoo!Answer such as the request of tips on job interview, cooking knowledge or study related while the examples of muscle category is goods delivery, picking an item or helping in moving.

There is no other reward other than the iPad for the competition being offered by Centeng for its accomplished user. Although in one of the page it is written “may be some day, user’s point can be cashable”, currently Centeng hasn’t implemented about that idea, yet. If using the basic scheme of user being able to sell or buy points, Centeng will be similar to existing job microsite, Gobann.

Honestly, I don’t like the use of Centeng as its name. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Centeng is home guardian, hitman, field supervisor or drug dealing supervisor. Its use is unique but the meaning behind the word is leading to a negative sense. It sounds like Centeng user is willing to do dirty jobs for money such as being a hitman. Moreover, Centeng is not really a catchy name.

However, the effort of Centeng to develop this service is worth the wait. Obviously, Centeng needs to think about the next business model for this service to survive and benefitting. If it keeps to use Centeng as its name, hopefully the meaning of Centeng will be more positive.

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