
Burson-Marsteller: Indonesians Respect Tech Companies

1 min read
December 24, 2014

The Indonesian tech ecosystem gets better as days go by, making IT companies gain more respect in 2015. A survey by Burson-Marsteller towards 1000 people and 75 executives in Indonesia even suggested that the tech industry has successfully stolen people’s heart.

Burson-Marsteller, a global strategic communication consultant, presented their survey entitled “Corporate Perception Indicator”. In the presentation, it was stated that Indonesians’ positive perception towards tech companies derived from the fact that tech industry accelerates the economic growth and creates tons of worthy employments. Interestingly, the same trend also takes place in some other developing countries.

In addition, Burson-Marsteller also presented that consumption was the main component of the Indonesian GDP growth, which reached 5% in the third quarter of 2014. After technology, restaurant and hotel industries came next, while chemistry, oil and gas, and mining industries contributed negatively.

So far, consumers in Asian developing countries still hold the belief that it is companies who play the role in providing the economic growth and creating employments. However, the challenge is how they can give a feedback to the government so that they may govern effectively, support income equality, and pay taxes in a proper amount.

“48% of our respondents in Indonesia wanted to know more about the company’s social responsibilities, while 23% of them needed to know about the latest products and services and 13% of them looked to determine the company’s performance. Generally, Indonesians still refer to the mass media when looking for information related to the companies, then the media’s annual report and, later, social,” said Burson-Marsteller Indonesia’s CEO & Market Leader Mayang Schreiber.

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