
Budi Putra is leaving Yahoo! Indonesia

1 min read
May 13, 2011
Budi Putra at Nokia World. Photo courtesy of Budi Putra

We’re hearing word that Yahoo! Indonesia’s Country Editor, Budi Putra, is leaving the purple company. The former Tempo journalist joined Yahoo! in October 2009 after spending two years as a professional blogger. During his time at Yahoo! Indonesia he oversaw the growth of its editorial division from just one person to nine and was consulted often to assist in developing editorial teams in Yahoo!’s other Southeast Asian offices.

While the resignation has been announced internally, it is expected that he will make a public announcement early next week. He will remain with Yahoo! Indonesia until early June before heading off to do as yet undisclosed project. It is believed that he’s been itching to continue blogging professionally but commitments to Yahoo! prevents him from taking freelance or additional work loads. His recent interview with Robert Scoble may perhaps provide some hint as to why he’s leaving Yahoo!.

We at DailySocial would like to wish all the best to Budi Putra on his next adventure and looking forward to finding out who Yahoo! has in mind to replace the award-winning veteran journalist.

[update – 3:43 pm] Brata Rafly, Yahoo! Indonesia’s Country Sales Director, who’s been with the company for a year and a half, is apparently moving on as well effective immediately. We haven’t determined the reason for his resignation or where he’s headed to but it’s quite a coincidence to have two of Yahoo! Indonesia’s top three personnel to resign at around the same time. Pontus Sonnerstedt, Country Manager for Indonesia is now the sole lead at Yahoo! until it finds replacements for the vacant senior positions.


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