
Bubu Awards v.07 is Officially Launched, Registration Now Open

2 mins read
May 16, 2011

As part of  IDBYTEBubu Awards v.07 is officially launched and open registration for their seventh annual event.

From official release DailySocial received earlier, continuing the success last year’s Bubu Awards and to support mobile and internet’s growth in Indonesia, this time’s competition will not just about web design competition but also covering digital competition.

Bubu Awards v.07’s main event will be held on July 14, 2011. It will have new subcategories and other categories which were never competed in this award before.

The following are the categories for this year Bubu Awards v.07:

1. Digital Campaign Awards (1 category)

Digital Campaign Award recognizes brands/products that excel in integrating digital campaign into their integrated marketing communication strategy, especially in key industries including Telecommunication, Automotive, Banking/Finance, Healthcare/Pharmaceutical, Beauty and FMCG.

2. Web Award (10 categories)

Web Awards showcase successful use of online media in transforming their target audience’s behavior in adopting digital lifestyle.

  • Product/Consumer: The website that showcases products or any specific consumer needs that utilize the best use of digital medium.
  • E-Commerce: The website that integrate the process of developing, marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and paying for products and services via online.
  • News/Entertainment: The website that focuses on delivering news and entertainment to their online audience which eventually contributing value to digital adoption.
  • Corporate: The website that displays corporate information and activities effectively in digital landscape, which leads to better organizational achievements.
  • Social Media: The website that engages their communities for social interaction, using highly accessible and interactive dialogue among the members.
  • Game: Website that provides structured playing mechanism that rewards its users with enjoyment and other format of incentive scheme.
  • Utility: Website that helps optimizes people daily routines via digital executions, especially help finding information and making regular works more effective and efficient.
  • Education: Website that dedicates the service in any area related to education, knowledge sharing and training.
  • Government: Website that utilizes Internet to deliver government information and services to Indonesian citizens.
  • Culture & Tourism: Website that promotes any activities related to culture and tourism in Indonesia.

3. Mobile App Award (1 category)

Mobile App Award present the best use of application that significantly contribute to the value and effectiveness of mobile devices. Entries will be judged based on design, content, technology and usability of the application.

4. Digital Talent Award (3 categories)

Digital Talent Awards identify key individuals who exceptionally make differences and contribute to a broader mass to adopt digital in businesses, communities and daily routines.

  • Digital Business Leader: An individual who successfully leads his/her organization in embracing digital strategy to achieve its business objectives. Entries will be judged based on business performance and results.
  • Digital Influencer: An individual who has the power to influence the behavior of a broader mass in the digital media. Entries will be judged based on ability to drive awareness, interaction and perception in digital landscape.
  • Digital Community Leader: An individual who inspires a community to embrace digital as part of their lifestyle. Entries will be judged based on level of engagement among members and level of participation on conducted activities.

The panel of jurors will be Alec Ross (Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton), Craig Newmark (Founder of Craiglist.com), Johan Svanstrom (VP & Managing Director of Hotels.com Asia Pacific), Julian Persaud (Managing Director of Google South East Asia) and Rohit Dadwal (Managing Director of Mobile Marketing Association Asia Pacific Limited).

For jurors from Indonesia there will be Andrew Darwis (Founder of Kaskus), Andy Zain (Founder of Mobile Monday Indonesia), Erik Meijer (Deputy President Director of Bakrie Telecom) and Hasnul Suhaimi (President Director of XL Axiata). Bubu Awards will also have confirmed Ernst & Young Indonesia as their official tabulator to maintain the credibility and independency of the award.

Bubu Awards v.07 is part of IDBYTE which will be held for 4 days on July 11-14 at Pacific Place, Jakarta. The event will include conference, workshop, exhibition and Bubu Awards.

All entries for the competition must be submitted no later than 30 June 2011, 5PM WIB. Registration and complete information can be seen here www.bubuawards.com.

Disclosure: DailySocial is one of media partners for the event.

Translated by Nita Sellya.

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