
Bistip Appointed New CEO and Closed A New Funding after Four Void Years

1 min read
April 7, 2015

Bistip now possesses new direction after being vacuum for the past two-three years. As Tech In Asia reported, Bistip has just closed an undisclosed seed funding from anonymous investor and changed its CEO, from Willy Ekasalim (Bistip’s Co-Founder) to Rohit Kanwar as per February this year.

Bistip’s absence all this time led us questioning whether the platform was still in operation or not. I personally asked about this and got responded just yesterday. And, I must say, the response sort of surprised me.

This round of funding wasn’t the first for Bistip, which has been operating for five years. Four years ago, the platform sealed an investment from InvestIdea. However, the amount wasn’t significant enough to even be called as a seed funding in today’s term.

Kanwar, the new CEO, has been in the industry for a long time, having previously been active as Bakrie Telecom’s VP Customer Management & Big Data Analytics, while Ekasalim, according to his LinkedIn profile, is no longer active at Bistip.

Although being crowded enough, as Bistip claimed that the team have gatheres 30.000 active users with Rp 2,6 billion of total transaction, they have yet had any clear business model because all of the transaction are done outside the system. They only accommodate those who are willing to board out and be boarded upon.

We will update about what Bistip (new version) actually aims at and what its business plan really is in 2015 within the next article.

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