
Ben Horowitz About Something Gets Ignored Most by CEOs

1 min read
November 14, 2014

Ben Horowitz, a tech-preneur and Andreessen Horowitz’s Co-Founder, just published a book entitled “The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers” recently. There, he shares about how to build and run a startup. According to him, managemet concept is something which often gets ignored by founders and CEOs.

He suggested that it is very easy to be said but extremely hard to be done. This might be an issue, since every single important decision within a company, including the recruitment policy and company’s culture establishment, is made by its leader, or in this case, the founder and CEO.

He emphasized that every decision need to be analyzed not only through the lens of a CEO, but also from the perspective of all related employees.

Interestingly, he took the most successful slave revolution led by Toussaint Louverture in Haiti as a reference, particularly on how Louverture led Haiti to reach the most revenue out of sugar exports, since he didn’t only put himself on his own people’s shoes, but also on his adversaries’ as well, every single time he made a decision.

Below is the full video.

[Header Illustration: Shutterstock]

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