
Prayogo Ryza

Indonesia’s Agritech to Develop Progressively

One of the things that is quite encouraging in the development of Indonesia’s digital economy is the creation of solutions to various problems in various sectors, as well as creating new opportunities that can actually impact many people. Online motorcycle taxis, food delivery merchants,
October 31, 2020

MakanLuar Resmi Diakuisisi Chope

The Chope Group salah satu layanan reservasi restoran online di Asia hari ini mengumumkan telah mengakuisisi MakanLuar. Sebuah layanan dengan konsep serupa
April 5, 2016

Kesles Resmi Hadir di Pulau Dewata

Kesles, salah satu layanan pembayaran menggunakan aplikasi besutan PT Maximilian Kesles Indonesia Group baru-baru ini mengumumkan ketersediaan layanannya di Bali. Bali dirasa
April 5, 2016
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