
Asia Pacific Media Forum 2018 Invites Startups to Create Marketing and Advertising Automation Solution

1 min read
April 4, 2018
A session in APMF 2016 / APMF
A session in APMF 2016 / APMF

BIG BREAK competition will be held as part of Asia Pacific Media Forum (APMF) 2018, inviting Asia-Pacific startups to propose a solution for advertising, marketing, and consumer engagement in anticipating industrial revolution. The five select startups will be pitching in front of 1000 delegates of APMF 2018 in Bali, 2-4 May 2018.

It’s part of APMF contribution in building a creative ecosystem to support innovation. This initiative in line with Presiden Joko Widodo’s priority to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem, for the industry to explore the digital economy potential.

To participate in BIG BREAK 2018, startup may submit its proposal before April 14, 2018 through http://apmf.com/bigbreak. Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the panel of experts that include Eka Sugiarto (Unilever’s Head of Media for Indonesia and SEA), Andy Budiman (Kompas Group’s Director of Radio and Digital), Ajay Gupte (Wavemaker Indonesia’s CEO), Sunilkumar Suvvaru (Capella Digital’s Director), andAndi Boediman (Ideosource’s Managing Partner).

The delegates of companies, innovators, trend makers, and media will be discussing on how industry stay relevant among ongoing revolution. Andi Sadha, Head of APMF said, “Among the rapid implementation of automation and artificial intelligence, the existing business model and skill are threatened.”

McKinsey predicts there will be transition on entire workforce starting in 2030. The rapid growth of automation will affect all disciplines and replace up to 60% of the active workers.

“Therefore, industry players need new ways and solutions in re-writing its business model to stay relevant in the new era. This is an opportunity for startups to innovate,” he continued.

Rama Mamuaya, CEO & Founder of DailySocial.id, who also serves as Head of BIG BREAK selection committee said, “Startup companies play an important role in managing hidden potential in the digital economy. We are excited in welcoming the solutions offered in response to the recent industry challenge.”

Startups will be able to pitch their solution and the select five will receive a platinum ticket for all sessions of APMF 2018, two exhibition tickets, and networking session with five well-known curators.

Since initially held in 2005, APMF has become biennale event in three main format: Conference, involving all delegates with many speakers in short sessions; Advanced Class, intensive classes, each led by top-tier speakers with limited seats, participants can learn directly from the experts and develop plans for business; and Expo, an exhibition of the latest solutions in technology, communication, and digital.

AMPF 2018 will introduce Braindates, a new format where limited participants can directly meet the speakers for further discussion.

This year, several top speakers will be presenting, including Nielsen Global’s Vice President of Digital Audience Measurement Marissa McArdle, Universal Music Group Global’s SVP for Brand Partnership Manuel Hubault, Frame A Trip’s Founder Dian Sastrowardoyo, and BEKRAF’s Vice Chairman Ricky Pesik. Speakers will be displaying their latest findings and insights on consumer’s behavior, disruptive technology applications (big data, blockchain, and machine learning), along with shifting in media landscape.

Disclosure: DailySocial is a media partner of Asia Pacific Media Forum 2018. Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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