
ITB Team Heads to GSMA Mobile Health University Challenge

1 min read
May 12, 2012

An app called Maternal and Neonatal mobile Services created by a team from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has managed to become a finalist in the GSMA Mobile Health University Challenge, held by The Berkeley Mobile International Collaborative (MBIC). Two members of the team will present during the final stage at the GSMA-mHealth Alliance Mobile Health Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, between 29 May – 1 June.

Mobile Health Summit is an event held by GSMA and mHealth Alliance, two major organizations in the field of mobile and health industries. This event will discuss about several issues regarding mobile health as well as the latest innovations and products.

According to Kompas Tekno, the ITB team consists of five students, Arga Ariadarma, Royana Afwani, Raidah Hanifah, Berlian al-Kindhi and Astri Maria. The team works under the mentorship of Professor Suhono Harso Supangkat.

The Maternal and Neonatal Mobile Services app is a e-health system that can be used by health workers to record and manage patient data from pregnancy to childbirth as well as the child’s data up until its toddler years.

Additionally the app can be used by expectant mothers to record their medical history throughout pregnancy and as a reminder for immunization and other important health related matters.

At the final stage in Cape Town, the team from ITB will compete with nine other teams from around the world for the ultimate prize of training and mentorship worth US$5000 to further develop their application.


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