
AMD Appointed Hermawan Susanto as the New Country Head for Indonesia

1 min read
May 16, 2012

Leading semiconductor company Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), pointed its new boss for Indonesia. Commencing as of May 1, Hermawan Susanto will be the Country Head for AMD Indonesia. Previously, Hermawan Susanto has long been involved in Indonesia IT world with Microsoft, leaving the company as Director of Central Marketing for Microsoft Indonesia. As the Country Head, Hermawan is responsible for expanding AMD’s brand equity and grow a business enterprise including cloud computing and virtualization.

Confidence in this appointment is mentioned by Nick Lazaridis, Corporate Vice President of AMD, in a press release, “Hermawan proves to AMD to build a strong foundation of assets and resources available to reignite innovation and drive growth. I believe that the knowledge and expertise about the local marker owned by Hermawan can help strengthen AMD’s business in Indonesia and we continue to deliver innovative and different solutions in business.”

Susanto has an educational background of MBA from SBM ITB and a degree of Electrical Engineering from STTS Surabaya. This new position is a great PR for Hermawan to lift AMD’s branding in competing in consumer and cloud market in Indonesia.

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