
AliExpress Partners with DOKU to Help Indonesians Paying Their Purchases in Rupiah

1 min read
November 19, 2014

Coincide to the 11/11 shopping promotion, AliExpress decided to establish a partnership with DOKU in accordance to its attempts of entering Indonesian market. Because of this partnership, AliExpress’ consumers may still purchasing Chinese products using Rupiah, although they don’t own any credit card at all.

As being informed on AliExpress Indonesia’s Facebook account, Indonesian consumers only need to choose “DOKU Indonesia” when checking out to do the transaction in Rupiah. From this moment on, consumers will have many alternatives to pay their purchases, such as via ATM transfer, Internet Banking, DOKU Wallet (DOKU’s e-money service), and mini market network.

To attract users to its DOKU Wallet, DOKU gives away 50 thousand cashback to 500 first customers during the promotion period. The company also awards iPhone 6 as a grand prize for one lucky consumer.

AliExpress, which is the subsidiary of Alibaba Group and was established back in 2010, indeed focuses on promoting Chinese products. Alibaba is rightful for 5% of the total gross merchandise value (GMV) which is obtained by AliExpress through Alipay. So far, the company has had a fruitful growth in countries like Russia, Brazil, and the U.S.

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