Setelah Google menutup Lively, kini giliran Amazon yang hari mengumumkan akan ditutupnya mesin pencari Alexa Web Search. Pengguna baru sudah ditutup dan pengguna lama akan dihapus aksesnya pada 26 Januari 2009.
Rendahnya traffic menjadi alasan utama penutupan Alexa Web Search ini. Berikut adalah kutipan email dari pihak Amazon kepada kalangan developer
Dear Alexa Developer,
The Alexa Web Search service will no longer be available to new customers as of November 26, 2008. Use of the service is low, so we are shifting our priorities to other areas where we can provide better service to AWS customers.
The Alexa Web Search service will continue to be operational for 60 days until January 26, 2009. The ProgrammableWeb website offers a list of web services that provide web search
We apologize for the inconvenience to you.
Thank you,
The Alexa Web Services Team