
Tantan Dating App Strategy in Indonesia

1 min read
March 20, 2019
Tantan dating app from China has introduced Indonesian Language feature, to acquire new users with more secure feature

Tantan, China based dating app, launched last July 2018, has claimed user increase. They offer a platform that guarantees user’s personal data. In 2019, it is said to available in 87 countries with more than 213 million total users, although, it’s not specific of how many in Indonesia.

In order to make the interaction easier in app, Tantan has launched an Indonesian language feature. To DailySocial, Tantan’s Marketing Director, Jack Wu revealed, they see billions of swipes by Indonesian users everyday.

The company also see the increase of VIP members. It is to increase opportunity for users to find match, using access to special features, such as super Likes, unlimited Rewind, cross-location availability, and unlimited Likes.

“Aside from the feature, the most popular is security in platform. Through technology and integrated security system, we are to provide a safe environtment (on the platform) for Tantan users. Our AI technology filters fraud and fake profiles, and the ongoing moderation system enables us to avoid inappropriate interaction among users that can cause criminal acts on the platform,” he said.

Tantan business plan in Indonesia

This year, Tantan has plan to maintain and increase user’s acquisition. One of the engagement examples is to collaborate with young celebrity, Verrel Bramasta.

“We want to promote better product using dating app. It includes opportunity to build a healthy friendship, and help one’s journey to discover true identity through the opportunity to explore various matches in life; hobbies, similar experiences, soulmate, to be found from interaction and introduction with new friends in Tantan,” he said.

As a dating app, Tantan finds out the biggest fears of the dating app use among women in Indonesia are security and fake profile, as mentioned on the latest survey. Therefore, Tantan is said to improve security system on the platform to filter fake profile, along with providing moderate system and support to minimize criminal acts on the platform.

“Security for all our members, especially women, is a top priority, this is our advantage. We offer an integrated security system to filter fake profiles and moderate interaction on platform to keep members away from inappropriate and potential criminal interactions,” he explained.

Original article is in Indonesian, translated by Kristin Siagian

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