
Female Gamers Wanted: NXA Ladies Announce Open Recruitment

1 min read
November 10, 2016
NXA Ladies team

Professional Indonesian female gaming team NXA Ladies has opened recruitment to reinforce its League of Legends, Dota 2 and Overwatch game divisions.

Aiming to give opportunities to many female gamers regardless of their background, NXA Ladies did not set an age limit for candidates, demanding only that they currently live in Greater Jakarta or in the Bandung area.

The online enrollment form asks about the prospective member’s role in a particular game, the time spent playing, tournaments participated in, achievements, gaming gear, motivation for joining the team and why the team should choose them.

Following the online enrollment, said NXA Ladies manager Fram Pramono, candidates would go through an audition and probation, playing alongside senior team members. “Those who pass the tests will receive facilities similar to professional gamers, such as a monthly salary, a gaming laptop and related gear,” said Fram, adding that candidates should also be able to allocate their time to train and prepare for gaming tournaments in Indonesia and abroad.

Established in 2011, NXA Ladies was founded and is led by renowned Indonesian gamer Monica “Nix1a” Carolina, who started her gaming career in 2008. Currently consisting of 15 members, the group has won various titles from gaming competitions, such as Dota 2 ICE Ladies Bandung and League of Legends Teemo Cup Bandung.

Those interested in joining can visit these pages: League of Legend, Dota 2 and Overwatch.

Disclosure: The original article is in Indonesian and syndicated in English by The Jakarta Post

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