
The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy | Retro Report

1 min read
August 2, 2011

In the 1950s, thalidomide cut a wide swath of destruction across the world, leaving behind thousands of deformed infants, but that was only the beginning of the story.

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/18Pff5n

Your tread must be light and sure, as though your path were upon rice paper. It is said, a Shaolin priest can walk through walls. Looked for, he can not be seen. Listened for, he can not be heard. Touched, can not be felt. This rice paper is the test. Fragile as the wings of the dragonfly, clinging as the cocoon of the silk worm. When you can walk its length and leave no trace. You will have learned.

Wiku Baskoro

Penggemar streetphotography, penikmat gadget, platform agnostic gamers, build Hybrid.co.id to make impact.

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