
Survey: Two Third of App-Based “Ojek” Service Consumers are Considered Loyal

1 min read
October 16, 2015

App-based ojek service becomes the current trend in Indonesia. Being initiated by Go-Jek, the segment sees GrabBike, Blujek, and the newly-launched LadyJek joining the competition. Promo becomes one of attractions that thses services offer. Question is, what if those promos end? Will users leave the trend? DailySocial and JakPat collaborate to find out about this.

We conducted a survey towards 1001 respondents living in DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten. We found out that 62% of them, equal to 620 respondents, had tried app-based ojek services at least once.

Out of those 620 respondents, 87% of them use the service for transportation. Actually they may give multiple answers for this question, since the consumption itself may vary. 35% of them use the service to deliver food, while 28% use it to deliver packages or documents.

99% of respondents admitted that the services help them a lot. Only one respondent stated that he wasn’t satisfied that much.

We then proceeded to the main question; will they still use the services once the promo ends? Surprisingly, 2/3 of them (nearly 67%) said yes. Meanwhile, the rest 1/3 of them said no.

Out of those who said yes, 70% stated that it was because of the simplicity offered by the services. 16 percent of them even regard the services as part of their daily needs.

Meanwhile, 55% of those who said no stated that public transportation cost them less. 33% complained that the services’ rate is higher than regular ojek’s.

That being said, do you still think that app-based ojek service will die once they stop their promo?


Disclosure: This survey is a collaboration between DailySocial and JakPat. JakPat is an open survey platform that facilitates marketers, brands, and startups to get connected with 53 thousand mobile respondents and gain the insight in hours.  

Translated by Rifki Aria Nugraha

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