
The Indonesia Next App’s Champion Talks About Preparation for Regional Competition

2 mins read
October 9, 2014

After successfully taking Jepret Story to be the winner of the Indonesia Next App (INA) 2014, Dycode has made a series of planning to allow the app tasting even further achievements. One of the planning that the startup has set is to prepare Jepret Story to enter the regional competition in this coming November.

Having succeeded in surpassing other 147 apps developed by 90 developers all over Indonesia, Jepret Story finally triumphed as the best app in Indonesia. This is particularly thanks to the strong business potential that the app holds. What makes this achievement awesome is the fact that this is the second time in a row for Dycode to get crowned in a competition, after sealing the second place at the Samsung Developer Competition (SDC) last year.

“It’s been an honor to win another competition held by Samsung in two consecutive years. I, on behalf of Dycode, want to thank our users,” Dyan Raditya Helmi, Dycode’s COO, told DailySocial.

Jepret Story is a cloud-based photo collecting platform. The platform gets the best out of hash tags by letting users collecting photos under certain hashtag that they desire. Those collected photos will then be available as an online album, video slideshow, or to be printed right away.

The app indeed still has tons of things to do and needs time to get finalized. It is planned to get featured at both Google Play Store and Samsung Galaxy Apps to make it available for practically all smartphone users, particularly Android-based ones. The plan is also made to accommodate the app’s preparation before entering the Singtel Group – Samsung Regional Mobile App Challenge, where it will compete against winners from other countries in Southeast Asia.

“We want to enhance the features until they are fully functioned and have less bugs. This is to accommodate all the demands from our coach in order to enable us competing at a regional level. After this series of events has finished, we plan to make Jepret Story to be friendlier to the concept of Business to Consumer (B2C), and not merely Business to Business (B2B),” Helmi added.

It seems that DyCode doesn’t only look to turn Jepret Story into an ordinary app, but also to be a platform which is beneficial for pretty much everyone. This is reflected from the startup’s decision to provide an API for other developers to benefit from.

“This platform needs to be explored much further to understand its true potential. Thus, we look forward to encourage third party developers to migrate or integrate Jepret Story to their own relevant system. However, we need to spend more time to determine the monetization concept,” Andri Yadi, Dycode’s CEO, stated.

[Header illustration: Telkomsel Doc.]

This article is a part of Indonesia Next App series. DailySocial partners with Samsung and Telkomsel to invite you to take a part in the Indonesia Next App, a competition which aims to search the best Android app in Indonesia to compete in Asia.

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