
[Dailyssimo] FM Radio’s Positioning in the Mist of Online Radio Technology Usage

2 mins read
May 26, 2012

Last Friday, I got the chance to be interviewed by two researchers who collect data about social media map and its impact on the development of radio in Indonesia. Miss Meryanda and Mr. Teguh Prakoso who interviewed, or maybe it’s better to call it as having a chitchat with me, happen to work at research division in two FM Radios in Jakarta, namely Jak-FM and Gen FM.

Our topic of conversation was about the role of social media in the development of FM radio and what is FM radio’s position with the happening of online radio.

Really interesting topic because just like most of you know, I once ran an online radio and the field I’m engaging right now is more or less social media. That’s what makes our conversation very stimulating.

Is the happening of online radio a threat to the existence of FM radio? I think, the new online radio technology has to support FM radio. If you use the word “threat” to describe the happening of online radio, then I say you haven’t fully understand the technology and what benefit we can get from it so it looks like a threat.

The streaming technology makes broadcast range of a radio becomes borderless. Precisely, with the condition that one has to be connected to the internet if one wants to listen to it, but imagine the penetration of internet in our daily lives. Smartphone, from those at the level of Nexian to the hi-end, could only operate in optimum when internet access is always on. Even some of the users only know that their smartphone have Facebook and Twitter in it without knowing that both applications run on the internet. Quality of the internet has already able to stream a video from YouTube and a couple of audio streaming applications are easy enough to run on several smartphones.

I’m sure that if the internet quality improves to be better in the future, then listening to online radio’s broadcast through streaming from the smartphone is not impossible to be daily occurrence. Not only radio streaming but also video streaming and real time online TV will also be a common thing. Well, if we’re back to the original question, then indeed it’s time for the broadcasting world to explore the online technology because everything leads that way.

Imagine, if an FM radio once could only reach a town, then with online radio technology, their content can be heard globally. Imagine, too, the revenue potential acquired from the total of global listeners. If those were the chances, I think FM radio has to start immediately to try and use the internet to distribute its programs and broadcast content.

What do you think?

Abang Edwin is a practitioner of online community management since 1998 long before the term social media/social networks become popular. He began his journey by experimenting with several online communities which eventually successful at that, to this day he still gives consultations about knowing character and foster online communities for brands / agencies and individuals.

He was at Yahoo! for over 4 years as a community manager. Currently he is Country Manager – Indonesia for Thoughtbuzz.net, a social media monitoring company.



[Image: HikingArtist – Filckr – CC atribution]

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