
Pair Gets 50 Thousand Users and a Million Messages in Four Days

1 min read
March 28, 2012

You can think of it as an even more private version of Path, or you can consider it as a supercharged messaging application for two people. New iOS application Pair is certainly hitting the right notes after its launch less than a week ago. While it is not a unique app, South Korean app Between preceded this app by several months, Pair seems to be getting the publicity and traction partly thanks to being based in the US and a YCombinator outfit.

Between doesn’t seem to have caught on outside of South Korea despite having an Android version already even though the most popular request for Pair right now is for an Android version. Both apps allow couples to privately exchange text messages, photos, videos, sketches, and more. With Pair, perhaps the most highlighted feature is the cheesy yet cute Thumbkiss where couples can put their thumbs (or any other finger) on the screens of their own phones and the phones will vibrate when the thumbprints meet.

At the YCombinator Demo Day, Pair announced that it has been downloaded 50 thousand times with over a million messages shared in just four days since launch, according to Liz Gannes at AllThingsD. It also announced that it is closing a funding round with SV Angel and Path CEO Dave Morin on board. Michael Arrington tweeted that he also invested in Pair.

Path may be a private social network in which people can share their thoughts, photos, and more to up to 150 people, but Pair’s two people limit allows members to share even more private moments and messages which makes it ideal for couples in long distance relationships or those who rarely meet due to various other reasons.

Enforcing the private notion of the app, Pair actually has a built in optional security code that when activated will prevent busybodies from getting a look into the app and reading through your private moments.

You and your partner can also share locations on Pair, although there’s little reason why the two of you aren’t using Apple’s Find My Friends app already which automatically tracks your partner’s location if they let you to.

According to the FAQ, Pair will soon be available for Android, and it will have the ability to delete moments. It’s shocking that it doesn’t let you delete them from the beginning. It will also improve how it deals with names in an upcoming update.

Pair is free from the App Store.


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