
New Payment Service: Inapay.com

1 min read
October 6, 2011

Lately, there are many e-commerce emerging, including two giant foreign e-commerce come to Indonesian market such as Rakuten and eBay. Besides that, other online merchants, which still use bank transfer or other systems also make their presence.

The majority of Indonesian users who do online shopping activity give enough attention to the safety, as stated in this article on DailySocial. According to the research we did, it includes transaction safety. Therefore, users need safe online payment system.

DailySocial readers in Indonesia has been known some payment systems like Doku Unik, IndoMog, Kaspay, and it is also reported that BCA will launch KlikPay, while Mandiri Bank romored to launch Tokone.com.

By now, there is a new startup offers payment service to do online transaction in Indonesia. This startup from PT Indonesia Payment Solution is called as Inapay.com.

According to the official site, Inapay is a payment system that works as the third party to protect merchants and customers. All the money collecting, saving, and distributing will be done according to the procedure and instruction of the customers and merchants with confirmation provided on the site.

Besides as a payment system for online shopping, Inapay.com also offers service for bank transfer solution. Usually, the bank transfer activities need quite long time, thus Inapay.com gives solution to make it faster.

For me, what makes Inapay.com different from other payment service is that there is no credit card or the top up systems to do online transaction or bank transfer. The transaction between customers and merchants is similar to joints account service (rekber in Indonesia).

When I visited this site, there is not much crowd in Inapay.com. When I wrote this article, the registered member is only 30 people and the number of transaction is only 4. Maybe this startup has not made big promotion to make it famous and interest the users, besides it is a new startup.

In using this service from Inapay, there must be fee should be paid when we do transaction. There are two packages: silver member and gold member. The silver members should pay the fee anytime they do the transaction while the gold member should pay the annual fee about 250,000 IDR. You can read the complete information here.

Actually, the e-commerce market and online transaction in Indonesia is on the adaptation process to see the effective payment system for users, both customers and merchants, regarding the important role of the security. Therefore, the right payment system is one solution.

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