
Koprol Now Available in Opera’s Speed Dial

1 min read
May 20, 2011

The location-based service, Koprol today announced that they have strike a partnership with the browser Opera. Now user can download Opera browser that has Koprol on the browser’s speed dial linking directly to Koprol’s website. This only applies on the Indonesia version of Opera’s desktop browser, but I’m guessing will soon be available in Opera Mini as well.

This strategy is inline with Koprol’s decision to broadcast the service on national TV through TV commercial, Koprol’s is targeting youngsters and not only in big cities but to everywhere all over Indonesia. This strategy can make Koprol more mainstream and gaining significant amount of users, especially when later Opera Mini come to partner as well.

Rama Mamuaya

Founder, CEO, Writer, Admin, Designer, Coder, Webmaster, Sales, Business Development and Head Janitor of DailySocial.net.

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